DQ - CH 5 - The Whole-Brain Child

Discussion Questions

  1. Create your own Wheel of Awareness to practice the first component of mindfulness: understanding your own mind.

  2. The authors encourage us to acknowledge our feelings, while at the same time separating them from who we are. Write out a list of some of the feelings you experienced today.

  3. Many fears stem from a loss of control. How might the Wheel of Awareness help with that?

  4. Practice having a conversation with a child you know, going through the SIFT acronym. Describe how it went (see example on p. 110).

  5. From the last pages of the chapter, read and think through “Integrating Ourselves: Looking at Our Own Wheel of Awareness.” You can change the questions to fit your circumstances. Write about how your state of mind changed as you went through the exercise.