Welcome to a New Way of journeying together.

As a licensed therapist, I believe that the therapy model is broken. For years, I worked with clients who would experience a breakthrough in session and the next day they were back to believing the same old lies that had kept them bound. Waiting a week for their next session left people feeling like it was always one big step forward on therapy day, and then 6 steps back during the week.

There is another way.

Full-access, flexible connection membership allows you to text or leave a voice note any time - day or night, and to hear back within a day.

No more waiting until your next session.

No more slogging through the old lies, trying to make it through.

Experience growth and connection on a regular basis. This is the New Way to journey together and to heal.

Lead to Healing

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” - 1 Thess. 5:11