Do you long to be the person you were made to be?

Even as adopted sons and daughters of God,

we often live as if we were orphans, strangers, and widows.

If you find yourself longing to push past the lies that keep you feeling stuck and alone;

longing to live a life of freedom and joy in Christ,

working with a Guide can help move you from where you are now to where you long to be.



You were not meant to live in darkness.


You were not meant to live in fear.


You were not meant to live in chains.

What if there’s a better way?


As a licensed therapist with years of experience, I have witnessed firsthand that relying solely on weekly sessions often falls short of fostering meaningful and lasting change.

Weekly clients often experience a breakthrough in session and the next day or sometimes the next hour, they are back to believing the same old lies that have kept them bound.

Waiting a week for their next session leaves people feeling like it’s one big step forward during their session, and then 6 steps back during the week. Progress is too slow and too isolated.

Weekly Coaching Calls are great, but there are inherent problems…

  • they get canceled - life happens!

  • it can be difficult to maintain progress

  • they leave no room for check-ins and sharing victories; instead, sessions tend to be problem-focused

  • clients find they need the whole hour just to unload the past week’s struggles, leaving little to no time for their coach to provide input

  • coaches are managing large client loads and Zoom fatigue, which leaves them with less capacity for you as an individual

There is another way.

My unique approach to Christian life coaching leverages the power of consistency to help you achieve breakthrough results.

Don't settle for sporadic support – embrace a coaching relationship that evolves with you and propels you forward every single day.



What is the first step?


All memberships begin with a 45-minute consultation video call.

During this call, you will tell me about your Story (how did you come to be who you are today?), your goals (what do you hope for?), and your obstacles (what’s in the way?). And I will share with you about my view of the Christian life and the process of breaking free from old chains that aren’t meant to keep you bound any longer. As chains are broken, you will find that you are moving toward the joy, peace, and freedom that God desires for you.

Think of this as a coffee date with a prospective Guide. It’s the way I wish all therapeutic relationships began - two people setting aside time to talk about real life, the stuff that matters, and then moving forward into a connection that fosters growth.

Together, we’ll determine if we are a good fit and if so, your Flexible Connection Membership can begin as soon as you are ready!



Welcome to a New Way of journeying together.


The Flexible Connection Membership is designed with you, the client, in mind.

It allows you to text or leave a voice note any time - day or night, and to hear back from your Guide within a day (typically within hours). Think of it like having a trusted friend on hand who knows you and believes in you - someone who is calling you into the next level of healing and wholeness within the context of your daily life. This allows for meaningful connection multiple times a day or week without worrying about increased cost.

No more waiting until your next session.

No more slogging through the old lies, trying to make it through on your own.

Experience being known and stepping into growth and celebrating victories on a regular basis.


This is the New Way to journey together and to heal.



God wants you to step out of old chains and into the freedom He bought for you.


It’s time to consider what makes you come alive and who you were meant to be.

The journey with your Guide includes reflection around what obstacles are in your way and what it will cost you to stay in the place you find yourself now versus the cost of growing out of that space and into something new.

It’s not about Prosperity, but about stepping boldly into the calling and character God has uniquely assigned to you.

I believe you were made for so much more than the average life.